The Menstrual Leaves Debate is Well Appreciated. But Why is Menstruation Still Considered a Taboo in Our Society?

Zomato has initiated a well-appreciated debate in India by introducing period leaves. Although, it does raise a very serious question amongst us: why is period/menstruation still considered a taboo in our society?

I have come across a lot of questions posed to me by my male friends which points towards their lack of knowledge when it comes to the topic. And they cannot be blamed for this. If anything, I appreciate their curiosity to know more.

In this series of graphics, I ponder upon the main highlights of the subject: "Why is menstruation considered a taboo?"

Let me know about your views on this!

Menstruation in India: why is it still considered a taboo in our Indian society? A question posed to us after zomato introduces period leaves: an infographic by that candor girl

What do you think? Is menstruation still a taboo subject amongst you and your friends? Let me know in the comments section below!


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