Dealing With The Corona Virus Pandemic Anxiety

What a sudden and strange turn our lives have took over the last couple of months. 2020 couldn't have been more unpredictable.

A lot of us lost our jobs, failed to be one of those who could secure a work-from-home, our exams got postponed, school and college degrees got stuck.

Some of us had the exact opposite plans for 2020, specially those of us in our early 20’s. Pandemic disrupted all of our lives pretty hard. So many of us are sitting at home worried, anxious & clueless about when it’s going to be alright again.

Well, nobody knows… so what do we do??

 dealing with pandemic anxiety in 2020 how to stay positive that candor girl

I overthink way too much. It sometimes gets out of my hands so much that I lose track of the reality. 

Do you guys remember the loud animal howls that filled the urban silence when the lockdown was first imposed? It was then that all of this pandemic stuff got too real for me.

I remember waking up one day and taking a shower right after because my head was exploding with thoughts as soon as I woke up. I had an anxiety attack right there in the washroom.

I was too scared to step out. My mind somehow got cluttered with pretty ridiculous thoughts.
“these noises must be coming from that slum dwelling right behind the house… yup, that’s where it’s coming from. Did somebody die… that would explain the crying… shall I go look?

Why is nobody else from the house up yet? These noises are insane… what if the virus gets out of control, I’d soon have to hear all of this from every corner of the city! Oh, there’s more… Why are they howling like animals? What do I do…. Somebody shut it down, please shut it down…”
I couldn’t get out of the washroom. I sat there even after having taken my bath.

It’s been 3 months now. I don’t get scared like that anymore. But it was awful. I’m still not able to step out of the house even if it is to meet my friends who I know are quarantining well enough.
I never liked my house. The home, is fine. But the house… it’s got no windows, none at all. I loved the freedom I enjoyed for the last 5 years, when I didn’t have to live in my hometown.

While I did prepare myself for the worst, things have been this way for too long now. I try to take my energy out by doing what I like the most. At some point, even that gets boring, but I don’t see any point in giving myself any free time. I know my little brain will explode with thoughts if I take a look at the newspaper.

mask illustrations by that candor girl india deals with pandemic anxiety

Buddha says ‘do not dwell in the past’.

However, these are those exceptional times where I have taken the liberty of changing the quotation as per my own terms!


I’m trying to make plans for the future already. Something that I never did because I was too scared to dream big.

How are you dealing with this pandemic anxiety?


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